Sunday, November 23, 2008

Unproductive Day!

Well, my day did not go as planned today! Both the kids were up numerous times during the night so I got very little sleep. When I did finally get up, I had a killer headache that lasted all day. Then, I got unexpected company... so needless to say, I got NOTHING done today!

I was able to give my projects some thought today though, so hopefully I will be able to get started this week. It will be tough with Thanksgiving a few days away, but I should be able to squeeze out a few hours to get down to business (fingers crossed)! I am going to start on my sister's present first since I already have all my materials on hand. I'll be sure to post photos once I get it done!

I also spent the first bit of my $50 budget yesterday when I went to Jo-Ann Fabrics. I have an idea for some cute little ornaments and/or gift toppers and it only cost me $1.00 -- actually less because I did use a coupon (but I have to figure out the exact amount because I did buy other items that are not being used for the challenge). I hope to make my first one tomorrow (ooops -- today -- I just looked at the time) while the kiddos are napping!

Well, I need to hit the sack. Hopefully I will have lots of exciting crafting news & photos to share tomorrow (ooops again, I mean later)! Must go to sleep now! YAWN!!!! Nightey-night!


Kelly Drill said...

For a first time blogger, you're doing great! Looking forward to hearing all about the challenge.

Kim said...

Sounds a lot like my weekend! :) I can't wait to see your ornament/gift-topper idea!!

Kim :)

Amariah said...

I love your blog!

The 3 Little Piggies Boutique said...

Hey fellow Team Kim teammate! I know how you feel about a totally unproductive day....try an unproductive weekend! I had my craft show Saturday, my oldest got the flu, and she gave it to me! There go all of my plans out the window! Sitting in bed now trying to catch up on all the blog stuff!

I can't wait to see what you came up with today!
Go team Kim!


karmiclaw said...

Thanks guys! I am glad I am not alone!

Alicia -- I hope you feel better soon!